Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Food: Bulletproof Coffee

I could not decide to post this under food or fabulous finds - It was a tough decision.  After-all, I consider coffee one of the food groups, but I also consider Bulletproof Coffee a definite fabulous find.

 A co-worker of my husband mentioned this brand of coffee to him and knowing that I was a big coffee lover, he passed the information on to me.  I looked it up and considered ordering it right away but since I had succumbed to the convenience of a Keurig, the thought of having to grind my own beans and actually brew my own cup of coffee each morning seemed way too time-consuming in my super busy morning schedule. But, I kept thinking about this coffee and decided to give it a try and now I can't believe what I had been missing out on for so long!

This is the smoothest, best tasting coffee I have ever had and I can't imagine going a morning now without it!  I don't even mind taking the time to brew a cup each morning between getting kids fed and out the door - I look forward to my cup of coffee so much it's more than worth the few minutes it takes!  I have even purchased a Bialetti to make it on the stove-top and get that super fresh taste (I'll dive more into that one later).

Bulletproof has a whole science behind it's coffee and serving suggestions that you can look up on their site - as for me - I just love a good cup of Joe!

Photo from

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